5 Ekim 2009 Pazartesi

Ryan Joseph Giggs OBE

Ryan Giggs hakkinda konusabilecek tek bir isim var, sozu hemen ona birakiyorum:

"We have had a lot of top-class players in this league – and some have probably made more of an impact than Ryan – but nobody can boast the same sort of longevity and consistency. He was there when the league started and he is still there now. I think you would have to say Ryan is the best."
Alex Ferguson

Bu arada kendisi hakkinda bir baska sey daha ogrendim. Butun futbolcular devre aralarinda enerji verici 'bar'lar yerken, Ryan Giggs kuru incir yermis. Bir zamandan sonra arkadaslarini da buna alistirmis ve bu takim diyetisyenlerinin de cok hosuna gitmis. Belki de yakinda 36'ya girecek Galli yildizin gizli performans teknigi budur.

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